Quirky Teeth of the Animal Kingdom: Celebrate Pet Dental Health Month with AMC

Quirky Teeth of the Animal Kingdom: Celebrate Pet Dental Health Month with AMC
One reason we love our pets so much is their quirks. We adore the chirpy sound our cats make as they run to the kitchen when they hear the can opener. We record hours of video to document and share our dogs’ antics on social media. Teeth are another quirky aspect of animals. Since February is Pet Dental Health Month, this blog post will highlight quirky animal teeth as part of the Schwarzman Animal Medical Center’s celebration of all things teeth.
Yes, Some Animals Have Baby Teeth
It is not uncommon for veterinarians like me to get a frantic call from the family of a puppy because there is blood on the puppy’s lip and a tooth is missing. That call always surprises me because I assume it’s common knowledge that puppies and kittens lose their baby teeth before their permanent ones come in, but I guess many first time pet owners are not familiar with what this looks like in practice. Other diphodont animals, meaning animals with two sets of teeth, are horses and most mammals.
Teeth that Grow Forever
After horses lose their baby teeth, starting at about two and a half years of age, their permanent teeth grow continuously. This continuous type of tooth grow also occurs in guinea pigs, rabbits and other rodents. This means the type of dental care required differs from dogs, cats and our own. Animals with continuously growing teeth are prone to overgrown teeth, especially if their diet does not wear down the teeth evenly. AMC’s Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine Service often trims the incisors of rabbits and guinea pigs when they are overgrown.
Cool Teeth Facts from Around the Animal Kingdom
Elephant teeth move forward as they grow. New molars form in the back of their jaw and move to the front as the teeth in front of them wear down and fall out. Elephant tusks are incisors, analogous to our two front teeth. Narwhals, ocean dwelling mammals, have a single tusk. Like the elephant, the narwhal tusk is a modified incisor growing out of the upper jaw, making the narwhal a kind of aquatic unicorn. Komodo dragons, the largest lizard in the world have iron-clad teeth: their teeth have a serrated edge which is coated with iron to facilitate their predatory dining tastes, consisting of deer and water buffalo.
Upcoming Pet Dental Health Month Events at AMC
Ask the Vet Podcast
In celebration of Dental Awareness Month, I’m delighted to welcome Bill Schutt back to my monthly “Ask the Vet” podcast to discuss his latest book, Bite: An Incisive History of Teeth, from Hagfish to Humans. This fascinating book explores the rich history and science of teeth across species. Don’t miss this episode—subscribe to the podcast here!
Free Online Lecture for Pet Owners
This year, Dr. To returns to present “Feline Dental Health” on Zoom on Thursday, February 27th at 6pm ET. She’ll be discussing common dental disorders that affect cats and how to best care for your feline’s oral health. This event is free, but registration is required.