
Guinea Pig Care Guide

Two guinea Pigs
Native to the Andes Mountains of South America, Guinea pigs are rodents that are common pets in the United States. Also called cavies, there are several common breeds including the Abyssinian (rough, short coat with cowlicks), the American/ English (classic shorthair) and the Peruvian (longhair). Guinea pigs are herbivores and need to feed continuously, therefore they produce fecal pellets continuously. Like rabbits, guinea pigs will form softer stools called cecotropes that they will ingest throughout the day. Guinea pigs typically live 5-8 years and are very social animals that do well in pairs or trios. It is important to note that guinea pigs and rabbits should not be housed together as rabbits can carry bacteria called Bordetella Bronchiseptica which, while usually harmless to rabbits, can be fatal to guinea pigs.

Rabbit Care Guide

Two rabbits
Pet rabbits are descended from the European wild rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus. There are well over 50 breeds, including giant, medium, and dwarf breeds. Rabbits are classified as lagomorphs, not rodents, because of the presence of an extra set of upper incisors called “peg” teeth. Both the incisors and molars continue to grow throughout a rabbit’s life. Rabbits are herbivores and feed continuously. In the wild, rabbits primarily eat grasses. Digestion in rabbits occurs mainly in the hindgut (cecum), and this high fiber grass maintains normal gastrointestinal activity and fermentation. It is normal for rabbits to eat their “soft” stools (cecotropes) during the night. These re-ingested fecal pellets provide important proteins and vitamins.

Enrichment for Exotic Pets

A rabbit, bird, and turtle collage
Whether your pet has fur, feathers, or scales, it’s important to keep them both mentally and physically stimulated with enrichment! Enrichment is anything used to modify your pet’s environment that helps them engage in normal animal behavior and can range from items such as toys to tunnels to touch screen devices. The best part? You can create enrichment for your beloved pet using items lying around the house!