Tag Archives: obese cat

Cat Food Myths Debunked

A cat with a goldfish
A few months ago I wrote about cats and “cat salad.” Since we are at the end of Adopt–a-Cat month, I hope there are many new cat owner readers who

Keeping Your Cat Young

For those families adding a feline member during Adopt-a-Cat Month this June, keeping your cat young and in good health is a priority. Here are The Animal Medical Center’s top

You Learn Something New Everyday…About Pet Food

Pet food is important to pet lovers since we all want to feed our pets a diet which will help to keep them healthy family members for as long as

Seven Reasons to Spay or Neuter Your Pet

Spay Day 2011
Yesterday, February 22, was National Spay Day and some consider the entire month National Spay and Neuter month. Spay is the colloquial term for ovariohysterectomy. Neuter, sometimes called altering, is