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Thursday, October 10th 6:00—7:00pm
Animal Medical Center
510 East 62nd Street
New York , NY 10065
United States

New Insights into Tracheal Collapse: What Pet Owners Need to Know

Yorkie with mouth open lying in grass

New Insights into Tracheal Collapse: What Pet Owners Need to Know

Summer weather can be difficult for dogs with tracheal collapse, a common disorder in miniature and toy breeds that results in the narrowing of the trachea, or “windpipe”. On October 10th, 2019, Dr. Chick Weisse, Staff Doctor and Head of Interventional Radiology, discussed the diagnosis and treatment of tracheal collapse in pets. With groundbreaking research from the past 10 years at AMC, he is uniquely positioned to give the best insight into the treatment of this common disorder!

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