Ria Watko,

Role: Senior Veterinarian
Specialist in Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging
Department: Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Ria Watko received her undergraduate degree from the University of Vermont, veterinary degree from the University of Glasgow, rotating internship training at VCASS-Weymouth, specialty diagnostic imaging internship training at MedVet Indianapolis, and diagnostic imaging residency training at the University of Florida. Dr. Watko is passionate about many facets of radiology, with a strong interest in neuroimaging and oncologic imaging and burgeoning interest in musculoskeletal MRI. In her spare time, Dr. Watko loves distance running, reading, listening to music/collecting vinyl, and spending time with her partner, 3 dogs (Ruby Clare, Simone, and Birdie), and cat (Bagheera).

Board Certification:


  • Residency in Diagnostic Imaging | University of Florida
  • Specialty Internship in Diagnostic Imaging | MedVet Indianapolis
  • Rotating Internship | VCA South Shore Weymouth Animal Hospital
  • BVMS | University of Glasgow