Primary Care

AMC’s Primary Care Mission

AMC’s Primary Care Service aims to provide the highest quality primary veterinary care and to educate our clients about the latest in healthcare and preventative medicine, so they can make informed medical decisions for their pets, enabling their companions to live longer, happier, and healthier lives.

1113 York Avenue (at 61st Street)

AMC’s Primary Care Service is now located across York Avenue from our main hospital location. Please go directly to 1113 York Avenue for all Primary Care appointments.

AMC’s Primary Care Team

Before joining AMC, the veterinarians in the Primary Care Service each completed rigorous post-graduate internships in small animal medicine and surgery at and worked at busy, multi-doctor animal hospitals in New York City. The primary care veterinarians are assisted by experienced NYS-licensed veterinary technicians who will take care of your pet during their visit, monitor anesthesia, and provide veterinary care.

If your pet requires additional diagnostic testing or the expertise of one of our specialists, the Primary Care staff can refer you to the appropriate department at AMC and help you schedule follow-up appointments. If your pet requires hospitalization, AMC provides 24-hour routine and intensive care (through our Critical Care Service and board certified specialists).

A veterinarian with a cat

Primary Care Services

AMC’s Primary Care Service provides the following services for dogs and cats:

Routine/Wellness Care

  • Adult wellness screenings
  • Annual examinations
  • Blood pressure monitoring
  • Dental examination and referral to our in-house dentists for dental procedures and preventative care
  • Fecal examination and testing for internal parasites
  • Flea and tick control
  • Heartworm tests and heartworm prevention
  • Microchip placement
  • Nail trims
  • Nutrition and weight management
  • Parasite control and prevention
  • Puppy and kitten wellness screenings
  • Senior wellness screenings
  • Vaccinations

Diagnosis & Treatment

  • Arthritis management
  • Diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions, with referral to in-house ophthalmologist if necessary
  • Diagnosis and treatment of lumps and growths
  • Diagnosis and treatment of skin and ear infections, with referral to in-house Dermatologist if necessary
  • Endocrine diseases (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, diabetes)
  • Management of chronic disease conditions, with referral to in-house Internal Medicine specialist if necessary
  • Management of vomiting and diarrhea, with referral to in-house Internal Medicine specialist if necessary
  • Pain management
  • Referral to in-house cardiologists, if necessary, for consultation and testing (echocardiography, EKG)
  • Urinalysis and management of urinary tract infections


  • Aspiration/cytology of masses
  • Pre-anesthetic blood testing
  • Rabies Titer testing
  • Routine blood work (chemistry panel, complete blood cell count, thyroid level, and urinalysis)


  • Mass removals
  • Spay and Neuter

Additional Services

  • Animal behavior consultations
  • Comprehensive in-house laboratory for additional testing
  • Digital radiology and ultrasound available through our Radiology Service
  • International health certificates performed by USDA-accredited veterinarians
  • Travel certificates

Our Team

Dr. Heather Brausa of the Animal Medical Center in New York City


Head of the Primary Care Service


Senior Veterinarian


Senior Veterinarian


Senior Veterinarian


Senior Veterinarian