Ask the Vet Podcast

Your favorite radio show about pets is now a podcast! In partnership with Sirius XM, the Schwarzman Animal Medical Center presents ‘Ask the Vet,’ a podcast all about the pets we love and how to care for them. Dr. Ann Hohenhaus answers questions for pet parents, chats with leading animal experts, and talks about the most concerning issues for our furry friends.

Get Your Pet Questions Answered

Email us to have your pet questions answered on next month’s Ask the Vet: 


About the Host

Dr. Ann Hohenhaus is a third-generation veterinarian, double board-certified in Oncology and Small Animal Internal Medicine. As AMC’s Director of Pet Health Information, she writes AMC’s weekly blog, hosts a monthly “Ask the Vet” podcast, and regularly speaks to national news media about animal health. In addition, she has contributed widely to research articles and textbooks, lectures internationally, and has won prestigious awards for her work in both veterinary medicine and journalism. In 2021, she joined the influential World Small Animal Veterinary Association’s Oncology Working Group, which she currently chairs. 

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