Flea and Tick Medication Update

Flea and Tick Medication Update
In the June 5, 2009 AMC blog, “Flea & Tick Treatments: Are They Safe or Not?,” I wrote about the investigation of “top-spot” or “spot on” flea and tick preventatives by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the regulatory body for flea and tick medications. The investigation into the safety of these products has been completed. In an announcement made March 17, 2010, the EPA indicates it will begin requiring improved labels on these products to help prevent accidental misuse. The EPA will also review the safety of individual products and make recommendations regarding strengthening the label warnings. Finally, the EPA will enhance required safety testing for these products.
You as a pet owners should:
- Consult with your pet’s veterinarian to determine the best medication for your pet.
- If your pet is ill on the day of the scheduled application, check with your pet’s veterinarian to discuss delaying application of the product.
- Follow the label directions explicitly and apply the product according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. (Refer to chart below)
- Do not use cat products on dogs or vice versa.
- If you have both a cat and a dog, keep their medications separate to avoid a mistaken application of the wrong product.
Medication Application Instructions
Frontline: https://frontline.us.merial.com/prd_apply.asp
Frontline Plus: https://frontline.us.merial.com/prd_apply.asp
Revolution: https://www.revolution4dogs.com/default.aspx?sec=How%20It
Advanatage Multi: https://advantagemulti.petparents.com/AdvantageMultiDogs.cfm
Advantix: https://k9advantix.petparents.com/howToApply.cfm
Proticall: https://sploughus.naccvp.com/view.php?prodnum=1047165&u=country&p=msds
Vectra 3D: https://www.summitvetpharm.com/Pet-Owners/Products/Applicator/Instructions-Dogs-Puppies.php
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