May 17, 2017 Dermatology

Ear Infections in Dogs and Cats

A veterinarian inspects a cat's ear

Ear Infections in Dogs and Cats

Yesterday I saw one of my favorite patients, a cute, red poodle named Charlie. As a baby, his bone marrow shut down for some unknown reason but ultimately recovered. Last summer and fall, he had a much more mundane problem: recurrent ear infections. Because of his chronic ear infections which would clear up with drops and then immediately relapse, I referred him to the Animal Medical Center’s dermatologist. The prescribed treatment for allergies has kept the ear infections under control. Since it is spring and the beginning of allergy season, your pet may be one of the unlucky ones to develop an ear infection secondary to allergies.

Ears are Really Skin

Because the ears are really part of the skin, dogs with allergies to substances in the environment, like pollen or dust, may have itchy skin or just have recurrent ear infections. Some dogs incessantly lick at their feet. The current theory of why ears and feet are the most commonly affected body parts stems from how dogs behave. Outdoors, your dog has his nose and head to the ground, stirring up pollen and other nasties which adhere to the face and ears; and of course, their feet tread in this same milieu. In normal dogs, the skin protects against the allergens, but in dogs with allergies, the skin barrier is in some way defective. The defect in the skin barrier allows allergens to enter the body, where they stimulate an allergic response.

Inflammation Leads to Infection

An allergic response can lead to itching, redness, and swelling which in turn changes the environment of the ears, leading to infection. Yeast and bacteria are the most common organisms identified in association with an ear infection. Typically, veterinarians wipe a cotton swab inside the ear to collect material which is then rolled on a microscope slide, stained and examined as part of the diagnostic testing. Occasionally, a sample of the discharge is submitted to the laboratory for identification of the causative organism to help treatment be as focused as possible since yeast and bacteria are treated with different medications.

Mighty Mites

Allergies are a much less common cause of feline ear infections than canine ones. Kittens, especially those raised outdoors, frequently contract an ear mite infection. These multi-legged parasites cannot be seen by the naked eye, but the little buggers can produce buckets of grainy black ear wax, clearly visible inside your cat’s ear flap. Another reason you can’t miss ear mites in your cat is the constant head shaking and ear scratching induced by their presence in the ear canal. Fortunately, a bit of black wax viewed under the microscope will readily identify mites, which are easily eradicated with ear drops.

Signs of an Ear Infection

If your pet has folded ears, you might not see the infection right away, but a bad smell coming from your pet’s head might clue you in to the problem. Head shaking, ear scratching or even shying away from a friendly pat on the head may be another clue to a brewing ear infection. If you look closely, you may notice the ear flap is swollen, red or scabby from scratching and there is a buildup of waxy or other material in the canal. If you notice any of these signs in your dog or cat, call your veterinarian’s office immediately to schedule an appointment.

Tags: allergy, amcny, animal medical center, animals, ann hohenhaus, cats, dogs, ear infection, itching, NYC, pets, scratching, veterinary,

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