Tag Archives: brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome

The Surprising Link Between Respiratory and Gastrointestinal Diseases in Dogs

A pug in a blanket
For those of us in the dog world, much of our focus over the last couple of weeks has been on infectious respiratory diseases in dogs. While the current outbreak remains a mystery, today’s blogpost will focus on the well documented link between respiratory and gastrointestinal illness in dogs. The link between these two body systems might surprise the casual reader; however, the two systems share a common origin: the mouth. The mouth divides into the trachea (windpipe) of the respiratory system and the esophagus leading to the stomach.

Ask the Vet: Answers to Your Questions About Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome and Collapsing Trachea

Ann Hohenhaus examines a dog
Every month on Ask the Vet, radio show and podcast I host in partnership with Sirius XM, I answer listener question that come into our email box at AskTheVet@amcny.org. This past month I had so many good questions, I could not answer them all and still talk with my guest, AMC’s new President and CEO, Helen Irving. Two of the questions were about common respiratory problems managed by AMC specialists. The questions and my answers can be found below.

Should I Be Concerned About Snoring in My Dog or Cat?

A cat sleeping
Our pets endear themselves to us when they exhibit human-like qualities – affectionate licks and “kisses,” a cuddle when we are low and an exuberant greeting when we return home. Snoring is another human-like trait that sometimes occurs in pets. But snoring is often a sign of an underlying health problem, so should pet families consider snoring an endearing quality or a health concern?