Tag Archives: pets

Top New Year’s Resolutions for You and Your Pets in 2025

A dog wearing a Happy New Year tiara
As the new year approached, my inbox filled with dozens of personalized suggestions for New Year’s resolutions. The American Veterinary Medical Association, for instance, sent me “New Year’s Resolutions for Veterinarians.” Google’s AI generated an eleven-point list of common resolutions in case I couldn’t think of any on my own! Even Blue Apron, my meal kit delivery service, sent a list of suggested resolutions. Well, now it’s my turn: I’ve curated the resolutions recommended to me and adapted them for pets and pet owners in the blogpost below.

Keeping Your Dog Safe by the Pool [2024 Update]

The Schwarzman Animal Medical Center ER has its share of drama. Last summer, a dog family was at a pool party when they noticed their French bulldog missing. He was found at the bottom of the pool and was estimated to have been there 1-2 minutes. The owners rescued him from the bottom of the pool and administered CPR, miraculously reviving the little fella. The family brought him directly to AMC where, after an overnight in ICU, he was discharged and as good as new. This story highlights several things about dogs, pools and swimming. I don’t believe dogs understand what a swimming pool is or how dangerous it can be, and not all dogs are natural swimmers, as this Frenchie’s story clearly illustrates. Many dogs fall in the pool only once and, after they are rescued by their family, never go near the pool again. Every summer there are unsuspecting dogs who fall into the pool when no one else is around. Some drown because they are alone and cannot swim. Others can swim, but quickly become exhausted when they cannot figure out how to get out of the pool. To protect your dog, here are my suggestions to keep your swimming pool dog safe.

City Safety for Urban Dogs [2024 Update]

A man walking two dogs in New York City
Every morning at about 5 am, the Schwarzman Animal Medical Center’s Emergency Service sends out a list of all pets admitted to the hospital overnight. Recently, one admission caught my attention: a small dog admitted with a fractured neck bone because of an altercation with a revolving door. Fortunately, the fracture was not near his spinal cord. The little guy was in lots of pain and his treatment protocol called for activity restriction, rest and pain medications. He is on the mend, but this shocking story made me wonder about other uniquely urban hazards that might impact the health of your dog.

4 Remarkable Ways Pets Improve Your Health

A woman and dog exercising
We love pets for the enjoyment and companionship they bring to our lives. Their antics brighten our day, and their presence in our beds at night is reassuring, even if a bit crowded. But pets are more than just companions or entertainers – they make us healthier. Let’s take a look at the different ways pets improve our health.

Home Euthanasia: The Pros and Cons [2023 Update]

A human hand embracing a dog's paw
The decision to euthanize a beloved pet is one of the most heart wrenching decisions pet lovers have to make. I am quite certain every pet family with an ill or aging pet hopes their pet will die peacefully in their sleep. I am also certain pets rarely die peacefully in their sleep, forcing most pet families to decide to euthanize their favorite fur person. Not only do they have to decide when, but also where. I frequently talk with pet families about the pros and cons of home euthanasia.