Tag Archives: pet remedies

Holistic Rehabilitation Therapies for Pets

Massaging a dog
As the acceptance and demand for holistic therapies in humans increases, many pet owners are seeking similar therapies for their pets as well. As a result of this increased demand,

Keeping Rabbits as Pets

A veterinarian with a bird
Rabbits have become one of the more common pets in the U.S. today. As recently as 25 years ago, rabbits were most popular around Easter (see www.MakeMineChocolate.org) and then relegated

Calorie Counting for Pets

A cat eating
Now that spring is here, the dieting we promised ourselves at the start of the new year begins in earnest. We also know that to lose 1 pound per week,

February is Pet Dental Month: Part 3

Dr. Stephen Riback
The importance of dental care for dogs and cats. Part 3 of a 3 part series by Stephen Riback, DVM Like people, our pets are prone to dental disease. This

February is Pet Dental Month: Part 2

The importance of dental care for dogs and cats. Part 2 of a 3 part series by Stephen Riback, DVM Like people, our pets are prone to dental disease. This