Tag Archives: Surgery

Amos, a 5 Year Old "Living Legend"

Every year, The Animal Medical Center honors “Living Legends,” patients who have survived what seemed to be insurmountable odds. Unlike most living legends, who have distinguished careers and are silver

Why Do People Treat Their Pets for Cancer?

People I meet socially are often surprised when I tell them I treat pets with cancer. The first level of surprise occurs because many non-pet lovers don’t know pets get

Heartworm Prevention

Infro Graph of the heartworm cycle on cats and dogs
Are heartworms becoming resistant to preventive medications? This week marks the first day of spring and for many dogs and cats, spring means a trip to the veterinarian’s office for

Thinking Outside of the Box: Creative Medical Solutions

Creative solutions to manage tough medical issues. My colleagues at The Animal Medical Center have recently come up with innovative solutions to two very interesting cases that I’d like to

Seven Reasons to Spay or Neuter Your Pet

Spay Day 2011
Yesterday, February 22, was National Spay Day and some consider the entire month National Spay and Neuter month. Spay is the colloquial term for ovariohysterectomy. Neuter, sometimes called altering, is